Monday, August 29, 2011

Fear the blank screen!

Just write. A professional colleague of mine challenges writers to do just that every day. Sit down and write on any topic. The subject doesn’t matter. Park your butt in your seat, get those fingers in position at the keyboard and let the words flow through them onto the screen. Any subject. Any length. Get to it.

Seems so simple. Then why do so many of us find it so difficult?

Doubt. Insecurity. Fear.

We doubt whether we have anything of substance to write about and we doubt anyone will care.

We are insecure about our writing skills and we are insecure about how other writers will view our writing.

We fear that hardly anyone will read what we’ve published and we fear that if they do, the world will discover that we really aren’t writers. Our doubts, insecurities and fears will be proven as justified.

Pretty heavy stuff. It’s also bunk.

My friend walked away from a pretty cushy VP position in a corporation and jumped into a freelance writing career without much of a plan and absolutely no parachute. He committed to himself that he would publish a blog post every day of the work week. He also committed to himself to make phone calls and appointments with his professional and personal network to let them know he was now available for paid writing gigs. He followed through on both commitments and soon enough his blog gained an audience and writing projects came his way. Two years later, he continues to publish a blog post every weekday. The result? He has a very comfortable freelance practice going, and his blog is bringing him business. Enough business that he rarely has to troll for projects.

Pretty amazing stuff.

I’m inspired by his success. I’m going to see if I can toss aside my doubts, insecurities and fears and write a blog post every weekday, too.

Yep, I’m going to just write. Starting today.

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