Thursday, January 26, 2012

The new JCP is a scream

I just saw the new JC Penney television commercial and I hate it. OMG, the screaming is over the top. It’s so annoying it makes me want to scream.

While I’m writing this, the television is on and the remote is within reach. When the commercial runs again, I won’t be able to move fast enough to push mute.

Enough Is Enough

One, two, or maybe three screaming idiots drives the point home, but 30 seconds of almost non-stop ear-piercing shrieking put me so on edge I nearly lit my hair on fire to create a distraction.

Seriously! Enough is enough…stop the screaming already.

This passed the focus group tests? Who is their target audience? Is this the new-to-the-22nd power JC Penney? Oh, excuse me, the new JCP.

The Brand Acronym

Just what we need, another company brand known only by meaningless letters of the alphabet. So, do we get to choose what the three letters stand for?

Just Can’t Please, Just Can’t Profit, Just Cancel Purchase…

Hey, this is fun. In fact, it’s a scream.


  1. I don't know who's more annoying, JCP or the add agency that crafted this screaming crap. I mean really, how many people (consumers) are attracted to a message delivered through screaming people? Another reason to boycott both television AND JCP.

  2. I'm with you, Kurt, but the client ultimately signs off on the strategy and the creative (or in this case "screaming crap"). I put the onus on JCP. They can always fire the agency.

    Thank you for your comment.

  3. I have to disagree with you here. First, JCP is making a bold move to slash pricing and eliminate sales. And perhaps more importantly, this commercial got your attention. You know who it is and what they're doing. Yes, it annoyed you, but the message got right home.

    I expect Ron Johnson, the new CEO, to be making some massive changes at jcp, this being only the first.

  4. The commercial did get my attention, but for the wrong reason. Fingernails on a chalkboard get my attention, too, because they fray my nerves, make my hairs stand on end and turn my stomach. That's not the reaction JCP wants associated with their new pricing strategy.

  5. I *think* I see where JCP is going with the scream ad but they missed their mark. The obvious parallel to the Macys Justin Bieber commercial -- which WAS a scream -- shows a lack of creativity. The direct attack at Kohl's Cash and X%-Off N-Day Sales events is recognized but lost in screams.

    IMHO this last attack is worthwhile but should be directed at the super-intelligence of the consumer: We recognize that 30%-Off 3-Day sales are a reflection of Kohl's 30% overly-stated EVERYDAY prices.
