Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Be careful how you speak

“It was a very exciting finish and a game I’ll probably never forget. Me, Joe, Chris and Osie were clutch!”

Did you cringe? If not, perhaps you don’t recognize the grammar rules that were violated:

1. The speaker is one of the subjects of the sentence, therefore, I is the correct pronoun, not me.

2. When giving a list of people that includes the speaker, all other names come first:

“Joe, Chris, Osie and I were clutch!”

Individuals who put themselves before others are telling a story that does not reflect well on themselves. At best, it suggests they are not well spoken and have a poor command of the language. At worst, it hints that they are self-centered and egotistical.

“I’m most important!” it shrieks to the listener. 

Intentional or not, when you put yourself at the front of the story, you are dissing the others involved and putting yourself in a negative light.

Don’t let your grammar betray you.

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