Thursday, May 24, 2012

There’s no such thing as free marketing

I attended a Meetup earlier this week entitled, Marketing Without Dollars. I went into the assemblage loaded for bear because I abhor the idea, belief or notion that marketing can be accomplished without money.Free

It quickly became apparent that the presenter wasn’t purporting to possess radical ideas for moving products through various channels and into the buyer’s open arms without spending a dime driving awareness and demand.

No. He stated emphatically (well, for a kind and soft-spoken man, it was meant to be emphatic) that marketing is more a mindset than a skillset…especially for small and emerging businesses. He focused primarily on image and how business people and businesses present and conduct themselves, actively and passively, throughout each and every day.


  • Swept floors and clean restrooms
  • Well manicured lawns
  • Company vehicles neatly aligned in the parking lot
  • Precisely organized product displays
  • Crisp professional company uniforms
  • Courteous and attentive receptionists
  • Visible and sincere participation in civic events

He categorized all of these as free marketing activities.

The presenter was really talking about image, perception and brand management. Marketing is much broader and comprised of many complex disciplines. Company culture, public perception and brand are aspects of marketing, and quite important ones at that, but few if any businesses of any size and maturity can succeed or survive by putting most of their energy into these “marketing without dollars” activities.

It’s wise to pay attention to them, though.

But are any of them really free? I say no. Do you agree?

1 comment:

  1. I agree that none of these things are "free". It is an important way of approaching marketing, though, and it helps broaden "marketing" beyond the marketing/communications team. Marketing is about the entire company culture and every detail matters.

    Thanks for a good post.
