Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Let me sleep on it

A good night’s sleep. That’s what I need. Eight hours of solid, uninterruptesleep caricatured sleep. No Mother Nature calls in the wee hours. No Bully Boy, our obnoxious feline, leaping onto our bed, meowing his fool head off, demanding attention. No lower back pain that doesn’t abate until I curl into the fetal position.

Speaking of, when the heck did my back pain begin? I honestly don’t remember. It just seemed to sneak up on me. I do know I didn’t wake up with it. My guess is I strained it while playing tennis or softball. It was just a slight tweak because I didn’t notice the “injury” at the time. Now, it’s two months later and I’m still dealing with the discomfort, primarily when I sit or lay for extended periods of time.

So I’ve begun stretching more and added core strengthening exercises to my fitness regimen. My abs sang to me the first few days, let me tell you. Oh the burn. I’m well beyond that now and enjoying the benefits of a stronger mid-section. It won’t be long before my six pack abs make an appearance, a first in about twenty years.

Exercising is fantastic, but I've noticed that it takes more out of me now and my recovery is slower. I accept this as a natural part of aging. Why fight a battle I can’t win? It will only heap mental exhaustion on top of physical fatigue.

You’d think I put in a solid workout today and stressed about my bounce-back because I am absolutely worn out. Not. So why am I so tired? Beats me, but I’m convinced it’s something eight hours of sweet slumber will cure. It’s time to go to bed. Wish me luck.

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