Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tennis anyone? Copywriting anyone?

I love tennis, especially doubles. There’s something about the creativity that’s required when there are two imposing players opposite you covering most of the real estate that appeals to me. You work angles, depths and speeds to develop advantages and openings.

Between points, I talk to my partner about the ebbs and flows of the match. They happen. When the momentum seems to be squarely on the other side of the net, I strive to keep a calm and positive demeanor as we work to turn the tide in our favor.  Unless we are just flat out overmatched, invariably, we regain the upper hand. Fortunately, more often than not, we have a positive final result.

So where’s the parallel to copywriting?

The ebbs and flows.

When writing, I have bursts of creativity and I ride the wave until it crashes. Many times, that coincides with project completion. But not always, and when that’s the case, I stop writing and move on to other tasks.

While I’m relaxing and recharging, the thoughts are still formulating and flowing into place.

Eventually I return to writing and the creative energy begins as a stream. As I gain momentum, ideas burst forth like rains coursing over an arroyo. I write until the project is completed, I’m exhausted, or the river runs dry.

Ebbs and flows. Like tennis, they are part of copywriting. Fortunately, I know how to work through them and produce a positive final result for the client.

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